LB & Co. Solicitors and Notary Public
Detention and Deportation
If you have entered the UK illegally, overstayed or have been threatened with removal or deportation, LB & Co solicitors can help. We have years of experience in dealing with these circumstances and understand how important your case is to you.

If you have arrived illegally in the UK, are an asylum seeker who’s claim has been refused or have overstayed your permission to remain in the UK, you and any dependents accompanying you may be detained in an Immigration Removal Centre (IRC) prior to removal. Detention can be authorised where removal is imminent and there are reasonable grounds for the belief that you will not report to the immigration authorities.
If you have been detained, you may be able to appeal any decision to refuse your application for leave to remain or put in a fresh application. It is also possible to apply for bail so that you can be released from an IRC. Our specialist team can advise you on the best course of action depending on your personal circumstances.
Deportation from UK
Under UK immigration law, deportation orders authorise the removal of foreign nationals from the UK – regardless of their visa or any other leave of stay. After a deportation order has been made, you may be held in detention or restrictions placed on your employment, residence or occupation – you may also be required to report to the police pending a deportation order being made against you. If you have been served with a deportation order, you should seek professional legal advice as soon as possible.
Even if you do not qualify for leave to remain in the UK under the Immigration Rules, it may be possible to make representations to the authorities against your deportation on compassionate or other grounds. For example, if you have been living in the UK for many years, or fear you will be persecuted on return to your home country. A deportation order cannot be made against you if it would be in breach of you rights under the European Convention on Human Rights or in breach of the UK’s obligations in relation to refugees.
Contact our Specialist Deportation Lawyers
Whatever your immigration situation, you need an immigration lawyer with the knowledge, experience and dedication to ensure that you get the visa you want as quickly as possible. With over 30 years’ combined experience, specialising exclusively in Immigration and Human Rights Law, you can be confident that LB & Co Solicitors will obtain for you the best possible outcome. We are passionate about winning our cases.